The Daily Q: What do gun advocates have to say about Bloomberg’s campaign?

We ran a Daily Q yesterday on gun-control measures bottled up in Albany, and the resounding response we got from gun-control advocates is that the National Rifle Association and its lobbying arm are formidable heavyweights when it comes to setting the policy agenda. Yesterday, in announcing a new campaign against “stand your ground’ laws like […]

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What gun-control measures await action in Albany?

The death of teenager Trayvon Martin — shot by civilian George Zimmerman, who initially escaped charges under Florida “stand your ground” law because local police said they had not found anything to dispute Zimmerman’s claim of self-defense — has put gun control back in the headlines. Here in New York, it has breathed fresh life into […]

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The Daily Q: How much money does NYC really lose on Census undercount?

It’s official: New York City is stuck for the next decade with the U.S. Census Bureau’s population count of fewer than 8.2 million, now that the bureau has rejected Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s appeal asserting that enumerators had missed at least 50,000 New Yorkers. Bloomberg submitted the appeal last August, and his administration had fought hard […]

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How are state workers protected from lawsuits?

After news first broke that Joseph Bruno was going to petition Attorney General Eric Schneiderman for reimbursements of “substantial” legal costs after criminal charges against him were dropped, and the Times Union’s outstanding James Odato could not get Schneiderman’s office to divulge how many public employees have been similarly reimbursed, we were more than a […]

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Could a Tappan Zee Bridge walkway cost more than its economic benefits?

The idea of converting the existing Tappan Zee Bridge into a greenway or walkway — much like the former Poughkeepsie Bridge-turned-Walkway Over the Hudson — has been floated for some time by Greenburgh town supervisor Paul Feiner. During his cabinet meeting yesterday, Governor Andrew Cuomo said the potential of preserving the bridge as an elevated walkway for cyclists and […]

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