$2.5 million to prevent infant mortality serves as pawn in negotiations
Corruption case puts spotlight on shadowy development funds in state budget
How the Bloomberg administration came up with its $9.8 billion (or $15 billion — who’s counting?) recovery price tag for Congress
End to federal stimulus leaves city budget short of funds for child care and other services
Last week Mayor Michael Bloomberg released his $68.7 million executive budget, which as we reported counts on $300 million in state and federal aid to help pay for education. But this aid isn’t guaranteed: The city can only receive the money if the mayor and the United Federation of Teachers reach an agreement on a teacher evaluation system before […]
Executive budget includes service cuts that face fierce City Council opposition
Administration for Children’s Services Commissioner Ron Richter advocates firmly for new EarlyLearn initiative
EDC President Seth Pinsky challenges living wage bill, says approach “destroys jobs”
Seven years after approval by the New York City Housing Authority, Cooper Houses expansion is still pending
City Department for the Aging asks community groups to reapply to run gathering spaces