Legal protections and new hope — plus persistent concerns — under deal struck by Attorney General Eric Schneiderman
A jail sentence for its landlord grants little reprieve for a suffering Bronx apartment building, now slated to go to auction
Council members join residents of buildings in mega-foreclosure to call for transfer to new owner
Permit pending for long-delayed facility on Newtown Creek that would transform food oil into vehicle fuel
New law gives occupants of illegal spaces a precious chance to make them legit — if they apply now. Some worry it’s not worth the risk.
Residents seek court action to stop alleged interference in organizing efforts
Calls to 311 well over previous year’s pace — but few landlords see penalties
Cabbies flock to own their own businesses, at record-high cost
East New York’s departing City Council rep says he’s ‘very, very disappointed with the Black, Latino and Asian caucus’ and vows to reboot its counterpart in Albany
The middle member of political dynasty says he ‘led the way to reform stop and frisk’ until ‘people decided they were going to attack the NYPD as racist.’