How does the city decide if beaches are clean enough to open?

For some New Yorkers, the official opening of the city’s beaches is the most anticipated part of Memorial Day Weekend. But the miles of sandy surf can’t always be taken for granted. Shutdowns for pollution are a regular feature of urban beachgoing, like last year, when at the height of summer a fire at a Manhattan […]

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What impact have ‘responsible banking’ laws had elsewhere?

Today, the City Council is expected to pass the Responsible Banking Act, which would require banks to report to a new board within the New York City Department of Finance about how they are meeting the credit needs of the city’s lower-income neighborhoods. The city would then be required to consider the information when deciding […]

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How does city set landlord rent hikes for tenants?

In New York City, the Rent Guidelines Board determines maximum rent hikes for about 1 million rent stabilized apartments. Tomorrow, the board will hold a preliminary vote on the next round of increases. We want to know: How does the Rent Guidelines Board calculate what landlords can charge their tenants? If you have information or […]

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